Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Asuransi Astra Shariah

In less than 4 years Asuransi Astra - Sharia is able to record achievements through awards Islamic Finance & Islamic Financial Quality Award Award 2006 and making Asuransi Astra - one of the largest Sharia in Indonesia. The financial strength of an insurance company one of which is determined by total assets.
Sharia Insurance

Sharia is a system of mutual insurance bear the risk among the participants, so that between each other to be the insurer of the risks that arise with the principle of helping each other in goodness by way of grant funds each tabarru or benevolence fund. Tabarru funds are granted by the participants to the pool of fund participants and their management as mandated by law insurance to insurance companies by paying some fee or ujroh, known also as the property fund manager.

The concept of helping among these participants in the Islamic insurance is a solution to avoid the uncertainty - will gharar element of risk and magnitude of risks that exist in conventional insurance purchase and sale transactions that are running today.

Broadly speaking, there are several things that distinguish Islamic insurance with conventional insurance that is in terms of concept, used by contract, ownership of funds, source of payment of claims, distribution of profits, cancellation of insurance policies and the supervisory board in its management, as follows:
The concept of risk sharing between a participant with other participants
Akad Please-help
Fund Ownership Fund of participants in part will become the property of the participants, partly to the company as a fiduciary in managing these funds
Source of Payment Claims From tabarru account which is owned by the fund participants
Benefits can be divided between the company and participants in the form of gifts (according to the principles of treaty) *
Cancellation Insurance Insured obtain a daily pro rata refund of premium
DPS (Sharia Supervisory Board)

There is to oversee the management, products and investment funds to be managed in accordance with Islamic principles

* Conditions apply

Privileges Asuransi Astra Sharia

Privileges given product - the product of Islamic Insurance Islamic Insurance Astra is a reassuring, Fair and Profitable.

In addition to providing insurance benefits such as security and protection, Islamic insurance also provides a sense of security because it is free from the things forbidden in Islamic law such as gharar (uncertainty) and riba (interest).

Participants who cancel a policy within the period of coverage will get a return of contributions / premiums are prorated daily for the period of insurance that is not already running.

The fund invests tabarru (a collection of fund participants) insurance companies acting as fund manager (mudharib) and participant as the owner of the funds (shahibul mall). Participants have the opportunity to get a bonus in the event of surplus funds tabarru .
Sharia Insurance Products

Asuransi Astra has a Sharia Unit since mid-2005. During 4 years of its existence has been to provide Islamic insurance products that include Islamic insurance products:

Retail Products:

    * Garda Oto Sharia

Commercial Products:

    * Motor Vehicle Insurance
    * Fire Insurance
    * Heavy Equipment Insurance
    * Personal Accident Insurance
    * Insurance broken into
    * Construction Insurance
    * Machinery Breakdown Insurance
    * Insurance Machinery Installation
    * Marine Cargo Insurance
    * Marine Hull Insurance
    * Insurance Money

Awards that have been received since 2006:

2008: 1st Rank, the best Islamic General Insurance - Karim Business Consulting

2007: Best Syariah 2007 General Insurance category Best Sharia Branch with assets over USD 10 Billion-Investor Magazine

2006: Islamic Finance & Islamic Financial Award Quality Award 2006 - Best Islamic Risk Management General Insurance Rating 1 - Karim Business Consulting.

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